Member - Firehorse Foundation

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Become a Donator or a Club Member !

Once you are a Donator you can apply for access
to our huge Online Library.
There are many interesting and helpful informations about
many different topics as an ebook.
We received them as a gift. But some of them have a Copyright.
So you can read them online in the members area.
But we can't set them on a public page for everyone.
If you are an owner of a Copyright and you don't want your book
is here just tell us and we will delete it. No other action is needed.
We prefer to spend energy, time and money to our social projects. That's better than to waste them for fighting at Court with lawyers.
( Bruce Lee : "The best art of fighting is not to fight !" )

Doesn't matter if you donate $1, $1,000 or $1,000,000.
Doesn't matter if you do a one time Donation or if you
donate regularly any amount.
With even a one time Donation of any amount of any currency
you are a Donator and you will have access to the libary.
As a Club Member you will automatically become a Sustaining Member after we start up the Foundation in the Philippines !
All members of any of our platforms will have automatically the status "Donator" because we use nearly 100% of the earnings
as a Donation to people who ask for, accept and need our help.
Only Club Member / Sustaining Member can join and win in our free quiz competition.
A Club Member donates at least once a year $200 or more.
After 4 donations of $50 in one year and after the last of 10 donations of $20 in one year you are also a Club Member.
After your free online registration you will receive an automatically reply by email with further details for your donation.

With MyEcash.Net
you can donate any
amount of any Crypto
or any other Currency.
Just fill the form and you get
the Bank / Wallet data by email.

Please help us to help people because they need it immediately.
Please make a donation right now. Feel good because you do something good.
Thank you very much in advance !

To become right now a Club Member with a donation of $200
just click the button $200 "Pay".

But of course any other amount is also very welcome.
So we can help others to help themselves.
Copyright by : Firehorse Foundation ©
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